Significance of Supreme delight

Supreme delight is a concept observed in various spiritual traditions, including Tibetan Buddhism, Purana, Vedanta, and Mahayana. In Tibetan Buddhism, it signifies a deep happiness resulting from offerings to the Great Identity. Purana highlights it as enlightenment and an ultimate joy derived from spiritual pursuits and meaningful connections, as well as feelings experienced by divine figures. Vedanta views it as the joy linked to understanding Brahman's essence, while Mahayana describes it as profound contentment derived from spiritual practice in the presence of buddhas.

Synonyms: Great pleasure, Supreme happiness, Immense satisfaction, Total bliss, Ecstasy, Elation, Rapture

In Dutch: Opperste vreugde; In Finnish: Ylin ilo; In Spanish: Deleite supremo

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Supreme delight'

Hindu concept of 'Supreme delight'

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