Significance of Supreme bliss

Supreme bliss is a term used across various spiritual traditions, representing the ultimate state of happiness, fulfillment, and realization. In Tibetan Buddhism, it signifies an experience free from conceptual elaboration through spiritual practices. Similarly, in Vaishnavism, Supreme bliss is linked to devotion and serving the divine, providing a sense of eternal joy. Other traditions like Vedanta, Yoga, and Mahayana define it as the highest joy achieved through enlightenment and union with the divine, indicating a profound spiritual state sought by practitioners.

Synonyms: Ultimate happiness, Complete contentment, Extreme pleasure, Elation, Ecstasy, Euphoria, Rapture, Joy, Delight

In Dutch: Opperste gelukzaligheid; In German: Höchste Glückseligkeit; In Finnish: Ylin autuus; In Spanish: Felicidad suprema

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Supreme bliss'

Hindu concept of 'Supreme bliss'

The concept of Supreme bliss in local and regional sources

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