Significance of Supreme

In the context of Vaishnavism, the term "Supreme" signifies the highest level of excellence, authority, and ultimate reality, often associated with Lord Krishna. It represents an exalted status superior to Brahman and is perceived as the ultimate truth within the spiritual hierarchy. The term underscores the unparalleled superiority of Lord Hari among deities and highlights the ultimate spiritual goal that practitioners aspire to achieve. Overall, "Supreme" embodies the highest divine being or reality in various spiritual traditions.1
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Synonyms: Ultimate, Highest, Sovereign, Top, Chief, Superior, Foremost

In Dutch: Oppermachtig; In German: Der Höchste; In Finnish: Ylin; In Spanish: Supremo

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Supreme'

Hindu concept of 'Supreme'

The concept of Supreme in local and regional sources

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