Significance of Supporting life

Supporting life encompasses engaging in activities essential for maintaining existence, with a focus on obtaining food and necessities. In the context of Purana, it can involve unethical practices and emphasizes eating primarily for sustenance instead of indulgence. Similarly, Theravada views Supporting life as the methods and practices through which individuals sustain themselves, highlighting the importance of acquiring basic needs. Both perspectives underscore the significance of actions that ensure one's continued survival.

Synonyms: Sustaining life, Maintaining life, Preserving life

In Dutch: Het leven ondersteunen; In Finnish: Elämän tukeminen; In Spanish: Apoyando la vida

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Supporting life'

Hindu concept of 'Supporting life'

The concept of Supporting life in local and regional sources

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