Significance of Subjective experience

Subjective experience encompasses personal perceptions and feelings that individuals access mainly through their minds. Different philosophies interpret this concept uniquely: Ayurveda emphasizes individual perceptions within the mind, Vedanta connects it to consciousness, Shaktism highlights varied interpretations of reality among beings, and Science focuses specifically on women's reactions to pain relief during labor. Each perspective reflects the complexity and individuality of how experiences are processed and understood across different contexts.

Synonyms: Personal experience, Individual perception, Personal insight, Experiential understanding, Personal perception, Individual experience, Personal impression

In Dutch: Subjectieve ervaring; In Finnish: Subjektiivinen kokemus; In Spanish: Experiencia subjetiva

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Subjective experience'

The concept of Subjective experience in local and regional sources

The concept of Subjective experience in scientific sources

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