Significance of States of being

States of being, as described in various philosophical traditions, encompass a range of conditions or phases of existence. In Tibetan Buddhism, it highlights the different temporal categories and transitions of entities across past, present, and future. Vaishnavism presents stages like wakefulness, dream, and sleep, while Purana emphasizes experiences of the mind through these various conditions. Vedanta examines levels of existence post-death and phases of life, ultimately framing consciousness through waking, dreaming, and deep sleep. Each tradition contributes to a richer understanding of states of being.

In Dutch: Staten van zijn; In German: Seinszustände; In Finnish: Olemisen tilat; In Spanish: Estados del ser

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'States of being'

Hindu concept of 'States of being'

The concept of States of being in local and regional sources

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