Significance of Spiritual ecstasy

Spiritual ecstasy is described as a profound emotional or spiritual state characterized by intense joy and bliss. It encompasses experiences associated with devotion and service to God, as seen in the practices of Shami, Jagai, Madhai, and others. This heightened state occurs during moments of deep spiritual connection, such as calling for Krishna or witnessing divine activities, leading to transcendence beyond ordinary emotions. Various religious traditions, including Vaishnavism and the Purana, illustrate this ecstatic state through devotion and meditation toward spiritual truths.

Synonyms: Spiritual bliss, Divine rapture, Divine bliss, Mystical rapture

In Dutch: Spirituele extase; In German: Spirituelle Ekstase; In Finnish: Henkinen ekstaasi; In Spanish: Éxtasis espiritual

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Hindu concept of 'Spiritual ecstasy'

The concept of Spiritual ecstasy in local and regional sources

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