Significance of Spiritual beliefs
Spiritual beliefs encompass a range of convictions across different perspectives. In Vaishnavism, they relate to the understanding of God and morality, which gambling undermines. Vedanta focuses on practices defining individual spirituality, explored by Bhagavan Svaminarayana. Historical insights from Gandhi emphasize universal humanity beyond formal religions. Greene's writing relies on spiritual concepts to shape moral views, while Vemana critiques ritualism in favor of personal experience. Science highlights cultural beliefs about the soul's continuity and body preservation for the afterlife.
Synonyms: Faith, Religion, Doctrine, Spirituality, Ideology, Philosophy
In Dutch: Spirituele overtuigingen; In Finnish: Hengelliset uskomukset; In Spanish: Creencias espirituales
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Spiritual beliefs'
Spiritual beliefs in Hinduism encompass individual convictions and practices shaping one's spiritual journey, as explored by Bhagavan Svaminarayana. They also involve beliefs about God's existence and moral concepts, which gambling adversely affects.
From: Tiruvaymoli (Thiruvaimozhi): English translation
(1) The convictions related to the existence of God and the understanding of good and bad, which gambling undermines.[1]
From: Prasthanatrayi Swaminarayan Bhashyam (Study)
(1) The convictions and practices that define the spiritual life of individuals, examined by Bhagavan Svaminarayana during his travels.[2]
The concept of Spiritual beliefs in local and regional sources
Spiritual beliefs encompass deep convictions influencing Gandhi's humanitarian focus, underpin Greene's moral writing, and reflect Vemana's critique of prioritizing personal experience over ritual, emphasizing the interplay between spirituality and morality across different contexts.
From: Triveni Journal
(1) The deeper convictions that guided Gandhi's actions, transcending formal religions to focus on universal humanity.[3] (2) The concepts regarding spirituality and morality that Vemana critiques, advocating for personal experience over ritualistic practices.[4] (3) The foundation of Greene’s writing, which informs his moral perspective and character development.[5]
The concept of Spiritual beliefs in scientific sources
Spiritual beliefs encompass cultural views, exemplified by ancient Egyptians, prioritizing the soul's continuation post-death and the significance of body preservation for the afterlife, emphasizing their profound connection to life, death, and spirituality.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) Cultural notions, such as those held by ancient Egyptians, about the continuation of the soul after death and the importance of preserving the body for the afterlife.[6]
From: Ancient Science of Life
(1) Personal convictions that may influence mental health and resilience against psychological disorders.[7]