Significance of Spiritual awareness

Spiritual awareness, as defined by various spiritual traditions, encompasses a profound understanding of non-material existence and a connection to the divine. In Vaishnavism, it highlights the significance of Krishna's presence; Yoga emphasizes self-study and surrender; Vedanta focuses on heightened consciousness influenced by the Guru. Meanwhile, Shaivism achieves clarity through self-perception, and Mahayana promotes deep connections with spiritual truths. In Theravada, it addresses understanding suffering, while Indian history underscores the moral responsibility and interconnectedness inherent in spiritual awareness. Ultimately, it represents a growth in consciousness and understanding of one’s spiritual nature.

Synonyms: Spiritual consciousness, Spiritual insight, Spiritual awakening, Mindfulness, Inner awareness, Transcendental awareness, Spiritual enlightenment, Spiritual perception

In Dutch: Spiritueel bewustzijn; In German: Spirituelles Bewusstsein; In Finnish: Henkinen tietoisuus; In Spanish: Conciencia espiritual

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Spiritual awareness'

Hindu concept of 'Spiritual awareness'

The concept of Spiritual awareness in local and regional sources

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