Significance of Species of flowers
In Jainism, the concept of species of flowers is utilized to symbolize the diverse and rich virtues embodied by Queen Acira. This metaphor highlights how the various qualities and strengths of the queen mirror the multitude of flowers, showcasing the beauty and complexity of her character. The illustration serves to emphasize the importance of virtuous living as depicted through these floral representations.
Synonyms: Types of flowers, Flower species, Plant species
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Jain concept of 'Species of flowers'
In Jainism, "Species of flowers" symbolizes the diverse virtues embodied by Queen Acira, highlighting the richness of spiritual qualities and moral teachings within the faith.
From: Trishashti Shalaka Purusha Caritra
(1) Used to illustrate the diversity and richness of virtues present in Queen Acira.[1]