Significance of Soxhlet extraction
Soxhlet extraction is a method that utilizes a continuous circulatory system to extract compounds from solid materials using solvents. It effectively isolates various bioactive compounds from plant materials, employing techniques such as boiling and condensation to enhance extraction efficiency. This method has been applied in several studies to obtain concentrated extracts from various plants, including guava and safflower seeds, showcasing its relevance in organic chemistry and phytochemical research. Soxhlet extraction is recognized for its ability to maximize yield and purity of extracted substances.
Synonyms: Solvent extraction, Exhaustive extraction
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The concept of Soxhlet extraction in scientific sources
Soxhlet extraction is an efficient method for obtaining active compounds from solid samples, including lichen extracts and essential oils. It utilizes continuous solvent cycles to maximize extraction from plant materials.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) A technique for extracting compounds from solid materials using a solvent in a continuous flow process.[1] (2) A method used to extract compounds from plant materials using different solvents in a continuous cycle to obtain concentrated extracts.[2] (3) A continuous extraction method used to obtain compounds from a solid by repeatedly washing it with a solvent.[3] (4) A method used to extract herbal compounds from plant materials using a solvent in a controlled heating process.[4] (5) A method used to extract substances from plant materials using solvents through a continuous cycle of evaporation and condensation.[5]
From: Ancient Science of Life
(1) The method used to extract active compounds from dried leaf samples of Andrographis by using 50% ethyl alcohol.[6] (2) A laboratory technique used in the study for extracting the leaf compounds of A. indica with solvents.[7] (3) A method of continuous extraction of compounds from solid materials using a solvent, employed in the study to obtain the ethanolic extract of Momordica charantia.[8] (4) A method used to obtain the methanolic extract from Strebulus asper by repeatedly washing the solid material with solvent.[9] (5) A method used to extract compound from the plant leaves using a solvent over an extended period.[10]
From: AYU (Journal of Research in Ayurveda)
(1) A method used to efficiently extract compounds from plant materials through continuous solvent cycles.[11]
From: Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology
(1) A specific method for extracting compounds using a continuous cycle of solvent boiling and evaporating, leading to concentration of desired extracts.[12]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
(1) A method used in the study for preparing various extracts of U. wallichiana bark using solvents of increasing polarity.[13]
From: Ayushdhara journal
(1) An extraction method that uses continuous cycle of boiling and condensation to extract compounds from solid material.[14]