Significance of Soft hearted
The term "Soft hearted" has different meanings in Vaishnavism and Yoga. In Vaishnavism, it describes a person who is naturally compassionate and possesses a gentle nature. This quality embodies mercy and kindness. In contrast, in the context of Yoga, "soft hearted" refers to individuals who may lack the resolve or commitment required to fully engage in yoga practices. Thus, while it conveys positive traits in Vaishnavism, in Yoga it suggests a deficiency in determination.
Synonyms: Compassionate, Tender-hearted, Kind-hearted, Gentle, Understanding, Tenderhearted, Kind, Sympathetic, Benevolent
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Soft hearted'
In Hinduism, "soft-hearted" characterizes individuals who are compassionate and merciful, highlighting their gentle nature, yet may also indicate a lack of resolve in pursuing the discipline of Yoga.
From: Garga Samhita (English)
(1) describes a person who possesses a compassionate and gentle nature.[1]
From: Brihad Bhagavatamrita (commentary)
(1) Describes a person who is naturally compassionate and merciful.[2]
From: Yoga-sutras (Ancient and Modern Interpretations)
(1) Refers to individuals who may lack the necessary resolve or commitment to seriously engage in the discipline of Yoga.[3]