Significance of Social obligation

Social obligation encompasses the duties and responsibilities individuals have toward their community, as highlighted in various texts and historical contexts. According to Purana, these obligations can be fulfilled through proper rites. Dharmashastra emphasizes responsibilities dictated by tradition, including hospitality towards neighbors and the moral duty of debt repayment. Historical figures like Tagore and Gandhi redefined social obligations to focus on reform and voluntary service. Additionally, even organizations hold social obligations by addressing societal needs beyond their professional interests.

Synonyms: Social responsibility, Civic duty, Moral obligation, Social duty, Community responsibility, Communal responsibility, Public duty

In Dutch: Maatschappelijke verplichting; In German: Gesellschaftliche Verpflichtung; In Finnish: Sosiaalinen velvoite; In Spanish: Obligación social

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Social obligation'

The concept of Social obligation in local and regional sources

The concept of Social obligation in scientific sources

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