Significance of Social environment

The concept of social environment encompasses a variety of influences shaping individuals and communities across different perspectives. It includes the cultural, economic, and political conditions that surround a community, as well as factors influencing personal characteristics, capabilities, and health. In religious contexts like Ayurveda and Buddhism, the social environment plays a significant role in moral and spiritual development. Additionally, it is pivotal in understanding societal norms and the literary context according to historical views, impacting behaviors and health choices within specific communities.

Synonyms: Social context, Social setting, Social atmosphere, Community, Social milieu

In Dutch: Sociale omgeving; In German: Soziales Umfeld; In Finnish: Sosiaalinen ympäristö; In Spanish: Entorno social

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Buddhist concept of 'Social environment'

Hindu concept of 'Social environment'

The concept of Social environment in local and regional sources

The concept of Social environment in scientific sources

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