Significance of Social environment
The concept of social environment encompasses a variety of influences shaping individuals and communities across different perspectives. It includes the cultural, economic, and political conditions that surround a community, as well as factors influencing personal characteristics, capabilities, and health. In religious contexts like Ayurveda and Buddhism, the social environment plays a significant role in moral and spiritual development. Additionally, it is pivotal in understanding societal norms and the literary context according to historical views, impacting behaviors and health choices within specific communities.
Synonyms: Social context, Social setting, Social atmosphere, Community, Social milieu
In Dutch: Sociale omgeving; In German: Soziales Umfeld; In Finnish: Sosiaalinen ympäristö; In Spanish: Entorno social
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Buddhist concept of 'Social environment'
In Buddhism, the social environment encompasses the influences that either facilitate or obstruct enlightenment, shaped by the diverse religious landscape during the Buddha's era, where varying beliefs coexisted and interacted.
From: Dhammapada (Illustrated)
(1) The diverse religious and spiritual context of the Buddha's time, characterized by various religions and competing beliefs.[1]
From: Shurangama Sutra (with commentary) (English)
(1) The surrounding context and influences that can either support or hinder one's path to enlightenment.[2]
Hindu concept of 'Social environment'
In Hinduism, social environment encompasses the broader context of an individual's upbringing, clean governance, cultural practices, and community conditions, all of which shape individual behaviors and societal dynamics distinctly from the natural environment.
From: Harshacharita (socio-cultural Study)
(1) The collective cultural, economic, and political conditions surrounding a community, mentioned as a separate aspect from the natural environment.[3] (2) An aspect of the environment that focuses on clean administration and politics.[4]
From: History of Indian Medicine (and Ayurveda)
(1) The broader social context in which an individual is raised, influencing their characteristics and capabilities.[5]
From: Kamashastra Discourse (Life in Ancient India)
(1) The societal context that influences cultural practices and individual behaviors in relation to the Kamasutra.[6]
The concept of Social environment in local and regional sources
The social environment encompasses societal norms and cultural contexts that shape individual learning, health, and lifestyle choices, while also influencing the development of literature through shared community experiences and aspirations.
From: Triveni Journal
(1) The cultural and social conditions prevalent in a specific region that can influence health and lifestyle choices.[7] (2) The context in which literature develops, informed by the collective experiences, challenges, and aspirations of a community.[8] (3) The context in which individuals learn, influenced by societal norms, values, and interactions.[9]
The concept of Social environment in scientific sources
The social environment encompasses the various social factors and contexts affecting individual health and illness experiences, highlighting the significance of community, relationships, and cultural norms in overall well-being.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) The surrounding social conditions and interpersonal interactions influencing an individual's quality of life and health outcomes, especially noted in ESRD patients.[10] (2) The interactive context in which learning occurs, highlighting the importance of collaboration and connection among learners.[11] (3) The surrounding conditions and influences, including family and community factors, affecting an individual's mental health.[12] (4) The surrounding social factors and context that influence a person's health and illness experiences.[13]