Significance of Social custom

Social custom encompasses a wide array of traditional practices and norms that govern behavior within societies, as detailed across various texts like Arthashastra, Purana, Natyashastra, and more. These customs influence daily interactions, cultural events, and societal relationships, impacting everything from marriage rituals to the treatment of women. They are shaped by collective beliefs and handed down through generations, often subject to scrutiny in literature for their restrictive nature, while also playing a vital role in community identity and cohesion.1
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Synonyms: Cultural practice, Social tradition, Cultural norm, Tradition, Practice, Convention, Social mores

In Dutch: Sociale gewoonte; In German: Sozialer Brauch; In Finnish: Sosiaalinen tapa; In Spanish: Costumbre social

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Social custom'

The concept of Social custom in local and regional sources

The concept of Social custom in scientific sources

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