Significance of Social context

The term social context encompasses various meanings across different fields. In Vaishnavism, it refers to the community environment surrounding Avadhuta Shri Nityananda and its caste norms. The Natyashastra views social context as the societal influences on customs and living conditions throughout history. In Indian history, it shapes interpretations of feminism, while in science, it highlights the sociocultural factors that affect individuals' experiences and perceptions of quality of life, particularly for diabetes patients.

Synonyms: Societal context, Cultural context, Social environment, Social setting, Social circumstances

In Dutch: Sociale context; In Finnish: Sosiaalinen konteksti; In Spanish: Contexto social

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Social context'

The concept of Social context in local and regional sources

The concept of Social context in scientific sources

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