Significance of Skin disorder
Skin disorder refers to a wide range of medical conditions impacting skin health, including conditions like acne, eczema, psoriasis, and certain skin cancers. These disorders manifest through symptoms such as rashes, itching, or inflammation and can be influenced by factors like diet, toxins, and lifestyle. Treatment options include appropriate skincare products, natural remedies, and traditional practices found in Ayurveda. Effective management is essential for maintaining both the cosmetic appearance and overall health of the skin.
Synonyms: Dermatitis, Skin condition, Skin disease, Skin problem., Dermatosis, Dermatopathy
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
The concept of Skin disorder in scientific sources
Skin disorder encompasses various health conditions affecting the skin, potentially treatable through therapeutic methods like Ayurveda practices and influenced by factors such as endocrine dysfunction and vitiation of Raktadhatu, impacting skin appearance and texture.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) Various conditions affecting the skin that can potentially be treated using Terminalia Arjuna's medicinal properties.[1] (2) Skin disorders encompass various conditions affecting the skin, including those that originate from unhygienic practices and irritants, as described in Ayurveda.[2] (3) Conditions affecting the skin, for which Ajwain has traditional applications in Unani medicine.[3] (4) A general term referring to various conditions affecting the skin, including psoriasis and its Ayurvedic classification of Kushta.[4] (5) A category of health problems that affect the skin, which can be influenced by dietary habits and substances consumed.[5]
From: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
(1) Various conditions affecting the skin, which can be acute or chronic, such as psoriasis, and can impact the quality of life.[6] (2) Various conditions affecting the skin, with Psoriasis being classified under this broad group in Ayurveda.[7] (3) Conditions affecting the skin, particularly discussed in this article as they relate to the classifications under Ayurvedic terms like Kustha and Kshudra Roga.[8] (4) Common medical conditions affecting the skin, which include symptoms like discoloration and patches.[9] (5) Refers to various conditions affecting the skin, including Vyanga, which are addressed by topical applications like Haridradi Taila.[10]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
(1) Medical conditions affecting the skin, which in Ayurveda, includes varied conditions and often relates to dosha imbalances.[11] (2) Conditions affecting the skin that can benefit from anti-inflammatory treatments like Dashanga Lepa.[12] (3) Conditions affecting the skin, wherein psoriasis is noted as one of the most common.[13] (4) Conditions affecting the skin that are intrinsic in origin and considered under the heading of Kushtha in Ayurveda.[14] (5) Conditions affecting the skin, referred to broadly within the term Kushta.[15]
From: Ayushdhara journal
(1) Ailments affecting the skin, like boils and eczema, treated with topical applications of Aqarqarha.[16] (2) Skin disorders encompass a broad range of conditions affecting the skin, including acne vulgaris, which is specifically characterized by various lesions and disruptions in normal skin function.[17] (3) A wide range of ailments affecting the skin, for which certain herbal remedies can be beneficial.[18] (4) Health issues affecting the skin, which can also be treated using Yashtimadhu according to its therapeutic properties.[19] (5) Curcuma longa is used for treating various skin disorders, showcasing its wide range of applications in traditional medicine.[20]
From: AYU (Journal of Research in Ayurveda)
(1) Various conditions affecting the skin, including acne vulgaris and hyperpigmentation, which the AHPL/AYTOP/0213 cream aims to treat.[21] (2) Skin disorders are a wide range of conditions affecting the skin, categorized under the term Kushtha in Ayurveda.[22]
From: Ancient Science of Life
(1) Medical conditions that primarily affect the skin, often arising from an imbalance within the body's systems.[23] (2) Medical conditions affecting the skin, which can cause suffering, incapacity, and economic loss.[24]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
(1) Various pathological conditions affecting the skin, which can be induced by factors such as ultraviolet radiation.[25] (2) Health conditions such as psoriasis, leucoderma, and leprosy for which Bakuchi is traditionally used in treatments.[26]
From: The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences
(1) Conditions like psoriasis, acne vulgaris, vitiligo, and atopic dermatitis linked with oxidative stress and inflammation.[27]