Significance of Sincere love

Sincere love is a significant concept across various traditions. In Vaishnavism, it captures the unconditional devotion of the gopis towards Krishna, while Purana highlights the deep affection Tulasi, Dhatri, and heavenly women express towards Vishnu and Narayana. Theravada presents Pema as genuine love among family and friends, contrasting it with lust. In Indian history, sincere love is illustrated through Shantaram's feelings for Malati and Bodhla's heartfelt devotion to God, emphasizing its importance for spiritual connection.

Synonyms: Genuine affection, Heartfelt devotion, True love, Heartfelt affection, Earnest love

In Dutch: Oprechte liefde; In German: Aufrichtige Liebe; In Finnish: Vilpitön rakkaus; In Spanish: Amor sincero

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Sincere love'

Hindu concept of 'Sincere love'

The concept of Sincere love in local and regional sources

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