Significance of Simultaneously

The concept of Simultaneously across various philosophical traditions emphasizes the coexistence of multiple experiences or knowledge forms at the same time. In Jainism, it indicates different kinds of knowledge existing within a single soul. Tibetan Buddhism highlights concurrent effects and perceptions, while Yoga states that cognitive actions cannot occur simultaneously. In Vedanta, Simultaneously suggests the ability to fulfill multiple desires concurrently. Overall, this idea underlines the complexity of simultaneous experiences in various spiritual contexts.1
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Synonyms: At the same time, Together, All at once, In unison, At once

In Dutch: Tegelijkertijd; In German: Gleichzeitig; In Finnish: Samanaikaisesti; In Spanish: Simultáneamente

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Simultaneously'

Hindu concept of 'Simultaneously'

Jain concept of 'Simultaneously'

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