Significance of Similarity

Similarity is a multifaceted concept across various philosophical traditions. In Jainism, it forms a basis for inference through comparisons. Tibetan Buddhism views it as a way to connect names with their referents and involves the idea of 'upama,' focusing on parallels like those between the eye and cognition. The Purana context highlights shared attributes through simile and metaphor, while Kavyashastra emphasizes misperceptions arising from resemblance. Overall, similarity relates to the qualities that unify different entities, facilitating understanding and expression.1
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Synonyms: Resemblance, Likeness, Relation, Correspondence, Analogy, Sameness, Parallelism

In Dutch: Gelijkenis; In German: Ähnlichkeit; In Finnish: Samankaltaisuus; In Spanish: Semejanza

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Similarity'

Hindu concept of 'Similarity'

Jain concept of 'Similarity'

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