Significance of Shudha Parada
Shudha Parada refers to purified mercury utilized in various traditional formulations. It is primarily noted for its use in preparing Parpati Kalpana, valued for its effectiveness and ability to balance doshas. Additionally, Shudha Parada is a vital component in Mahajwarankush Rasa, where it is incorporated following an extensive purification process. This purification enhances its therapeutic properties, affirming its significance in the field of traditional medicine and formulations.
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The concept of Shudha Parada in scientific sources
Shudha Parada is purified mercury, recognized for its therapeutic efficacy and dosha balance, and serves as a primary ingredient in the Parpati Kalpana preparation, highlighting its significance in traditional medicinal formulations.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) Refined mercury used as a crucial ingredient in the preparation of Ayurvedic medicines, notably in Parpati forms.[1] (2) Purified Mercury used as an essential ingredient in Mahajwarankush Rasa after undergoing processes for purification.[2] (3) Purified mercury that is a primary ingredient in the preparation of Parpati Kalpana.[3]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
(1) Purified mercury used in the formulation, noted for its efficacy and balance of doshas.[4]