Significance of Shothahara
Shothahara is a term that refers to properties associated with anti-inflammatory effects, particularly in the context of treating edema or swelling (Shotha). It encompasses the ability of certain ingredients in kwath to reduce inflammation and alleviate swelling. This concept highlights the importance of Shothahara in addressing inflammatory conditions and supports its application in various therapeutic practices.
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The concept of Shothahara in scientific sources
Shothahara is a term that indicates anti-inflammatory properties, specifically linked to ingredients in kwath that reduce swelling and edema. It plays a crucial role in managing inflammation-related conditions.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) Describes properties of treatments that alleviate swelling and inflammation.[1] (2) The property of a herbal formulation that denotes its anti-inflammatory capabilities, particularly in reducing swelling.[2] (3) Refers to anti-inflammatory properties, highlighting Eranda’s usefulness in swelling and inflammation conditions.[3] (4) Herbs and treatments in Ayurveda that reduce swelling and inflammation and can help in managing dysmenorrhea.[4] (5) Medicinal practices or treatments aimed at reducing swelling and inflammation, particularly in the context of Ayurvedic treatment for Amavata.[5]
From: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
(1) Indicates anti-inflammatory properties relevant to Ayurvedic formulations aimed at reducing swelling.[6] (2) A property that reduces edema, associated with some ingredients of Shatavari Punarnavadya Ghrita.[7] (3) Anti-inflammatory treatments in Ayurveda aimed at reducing swelling and discomfort.[8] (4) An Ayurvedic property related to reducing swelling and inflammation, often important in managing conditions like Katigraha.[9] (5) An action of certain Ayurvedic drugs that helps reduce swelling or edema.[10]
From: Ayushdhara journal
(1) A term describing the property of treatments that reduce swelling and inflammation, part of the Ayurvedic therapeutic approach for Kunakha.[11] (2) A term in Ayurveda signifying substances or treatments that reduce inflammation and swelling.[12] (3) Anti-inflammatory herbs or treatments that help alleviate conditions associated with swelling.[13] (4) A term referring to agents or treatments that help reduce edema and swelling as described in Ayurvedic practices.[14]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
(1) The property that provides anti-inflammatory effects.[15] (2) A property of certain ingredients in the kwath that helps in reducing swelling and inflammation.[16]
From: AYU (Journal of Research in Ayurveda)
(1) A term interpreted as anti-inflammatory activity, often associated with the treatment of edema (Shotha).[17]