Significance of Shallow vestibule
Shallow vestibule is a dental condition characterized by a reduced depth in the vestibular space of the gums. This condition can complicate oral hygiene efforts and contribute to gingival recession. Additionally, it poses challenges for surgical options aimed at root coverage in cases of gingival recession. Insufficient vestibule depth may also affect the width of attached gingiva, making it an important factor to consider in periodontal health and treatment planning.
Synonyms: Hall
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The concept of Shallow vestibule in scientific sources
The keyphrase "Shallow vestibule" denotes a condition of insufficient depth in the vestibular space, impacting gingiva width, oral hygiene, and complicating surgical procedures for addressing gingival recession.
From: Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology
(1) A condition where the vestibular depth is less than the normal range, potentially leading to aesthetic and functional problems.[1] (2) A condition where the depth of the vestibule is insufficient, potentially affecting the width of attached gingiva.[2] (3) A condition characterized by a reduced depth in the vestibular space of the gums, complicating surgical options for root coverage in gingival recession.[3]
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) A condition of reduced depth within the vestibule that can hinder oral hygiene and lead to gingival recession.[4]