Significance of Self-understanding

Self-understanding encompasses various interpretations across different traditions. In Purana, it involves recognizing agreeable and disagreeable experiences within oneself. Vedanta focuses on comprehending the true nature of the Self, moving beyond superficial perceptions and realizing one's identity. Theravada emphasizes the wisdom that does not necessarily grow with physical development and the ability to perceive the universe profoundly. In Indian history, self-understanding highlights the need for individuals to analyze their beliefs and aims to clarify personal identity, as seen in the context of Nagnath and Bahirambhat.

Synonyms: Self-awareness, Introspection, Self-reflection, Self-knowledge, Self-perception, Self-insight, Self-discovery, Self-realization

In Dutch: Zelfinzicht; In German: Selbstverständnis; In Finnish: Itseymmärrys; In Spanish: Autocomprensión

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Self-understanding'

Hindu concept of 'Self-understanding'

The concept of Self-understanding in local and regional sources

The concept of Self-understanding in scientific sources

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