Significance of Self-reliance

Self-reliance, as described in various philosophical and cultural contexts, emphasizes the ability to depend on one's own efforts and judgment for personal and spiritual growth. In Buddhism and Theravada teachings, it signifies using one's capabilities to navigate challenges and advance spiritually, while the Purana highlights the significance of individual actions for deliverance. This concept further extends to empowering others, as seen in historical references that advocate independence and self-sufficiency in communities and nations, promoting confidence and personal development over societal dependence.

Synonyms: Independence, Autonomy, Self-sufficiency, Self-dependence, Self-governance.

In Dutch: Zelfredzaamheid; In German: Eigenständigkeit; In Finnish: Omavaraisuus; In Spanish: Autosuficiencia

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Self-reliance'

Hindu concept of 'Self-reliance'

The concept of Self-reliance in local and regional sources

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