Significance of Self manifestation

Self manifestation is a significant concept across various traditions, illustrating how the divine reveals itself. In Tibetan Buddhism, it denotes the effortless expression of Buddha qualities. Purana describes it through Vishnu and Shiva manifesting in forms for worship and protection. Vedanta focuses on the revelation of the Self in its pure form, while Shaivism emphasizes God's expression through creation and individual beings. In Mahayana, it refers to the Tathagata's versatile appearances to aid beings, similar to the moon's changing forms.

Synonyms: Self-realization, Self-actualization, Self-expression, Personal development, Self-discovery, Self-fulfillment, Personal fulfillment

In Dutch: Zelfmanifestatie; In German: Selbstmanifestation; In Finnish: Itsensä ilmentyminen; In Spanish: Automanifestación

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Self manifestation'

Hindu concept of 'Self manifestation'

The concept of Self manifestation in local and regional sources

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