Significance of Self-confidence

Self-confidence, as interpreted through various philosophical and cultural lenses, involves the belief in one's own abilities and judgment. In Jainism, it reflects the steadfastness of individuals like astrologers or monarchs facing consequences for their predictions and actions. Purana and Natyashastra emphasize the potential pitfalls associated with inflated egoism. In Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism, self-confidence is vital for spiritual growth and enlightenment. Historical perspectives highlight its role in community contributions and personal development, while science points to its vulnerability to external factors like health and appearance.

Synonyms: Self-assurance, Self-esteem, Confidence, Poise, Assurance, Self-reliance, Self-worth, Determination, Self-belief

In Dutch: Zelfvertrouwen; In German: Selbstvertrauen; In Finnish: Itseluottamus; In Spanish: Confianza en sí mismo

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Self-confidence'

Hindu concept of 'Self-confidence'

Jain concept of 'Self-confidence'

The concept of Self-confidence in local and regional sources

The concept of Self-confidence in scientific sources

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