Significance of Security

In Dharmashastra, Security pertains to forms of protection for wealth that is at risk of loss, emphasizing the importance of inexhaustible wealth. Historically in India, Security also refers to the guarantees sought by creditors to ensure payment, reflecting a lack of trust in promises like that of Visoba. Thus, Security in both contexts underscores the need for assurance and protection regarding financial transactions and wealth management.1
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Synonyms: Safety, Protection, Defense, Safeguarding, Immunity, Assurance, Reliability, Vigilance, Safeguard, Security measures, Precautions, Guardianship, Shield

In Finnish: Turvallisuus; In Dutch: Beveiliging

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Security'

The concept of Security in local and regional sources

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