Significance of Saying

The concept of Saying encompasses different interpretations in Purana and Theravada traditions. In Purana, Saying involves proclaiming commands or curses tied to rituals. Conversely, in Theravada, Saying includes expressing statements, particularly in reproval, as well as voicing opinions or inquiries. This is illustrated by the modest monks who discuss the appropriate use of itch-cloths. Both interpretations highlight the significance of verbal expression within their respective contexts.1
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Synonyms: Statement, Utterance, Expression, Declaration, Assertion, Phrase

In Dutch: Gezegde; In Finnish: Sanonta; In Spanish: Dicho

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Saying'

Hindu concept of 'Saying'

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