Significance of Saintliness
In Theravada, Saintliness encompasses the superficial quality of appearing virtuous, which can often mask underlying hypocrisy. This juxtaposition highlights that what may seem saintly on the surface can be deceptive, suggesting that true saintliness involves genuine virtue rather than mere appearance. The emphasis is on understanding the difference between authentic moral character and a façade that individuals might maintain to project an image of saintliness.
Synonyms: Holiness, Sanctity, Purity, Righteousness, Virtue, Piety, Godliness, Moral excellence, Devotion
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Buddhist concept of 'Saintliness'
In Buddhism, Saintliness may signify a superficial display of virtue, often masking true intentions. This interpretation suggests that what appears saintly can sometimes conceal hypocrisy, challenging the authenticity of one's moral character.
From: Jataka tales [English], Volume 1-6
(1) The quality of being saintly or appearing to be virtuous, which in this story is revealed to be a façade for hypocrisy.[1]