Significance of Sacred image

The keyphrase "Sacred image" encompasses various representations and forms of holy figures across different traditions. In Buddhism, it refers to visual depictions used for rituals and devotion, symbolizing teachings and revered figures. In Hinduism, it includes idols enshrined in temples, central to worship practices. Other interpretations highlight the spiritual significance of these images, as seen in texts like the Purana and Pancaratra, which emphasize their role in devotion. Overall, sacred images serve as vital objects of veneration and religious expression.1
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Synonyms: Divine representation

In Dutch: Heilig beeld; In German: Heiliges Bild; In Finnish: Pyhä kuva; In Spanish: Imagen sagrada

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Sacred image'

Hindu concept of 'Sacred image'

The concept of Sacred image in local and regional sources

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