Significance of Ripe fruit

Ripe fruit serves as a metaphor across various cultural and philosophical contexts. In Jainism and South Asia, it symbolizes prosperity, youth, and the results of efforts, while in Vaishnavism, it represents Balarama’s journey and the fulfillment of needs. The Purana uses it to illustrate life’s inevitable end and the outcomes of desires. Ayurveda emphasizes timing in harvesting for medicinal purposes, while Mahayana relates it to spiritual realization. Overall, ripe fruit embodies maturity, opportunity, and the culmination of experiences across traditions.

Synonyms: Mature fruit, Juicy fruit

In Dutch: Rijpe vrucht; In German: Reife Früchte; In Finnish: Kypsät hedelmät; In Spanish: Fruta madura

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Ripe fruit'

Hindu concept of 'Ripe fruit'

Jain concept of 'Ripe fruit'

The concept of Ripe fruit in local and regional sources

The concept of Ripe fruit in scientific sources

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