Significance of Right-belief

Right-belief, or samyaktva, is a fundamental concept in Jainism that signifies the correct understanding and acceptance of spiritual truths necessary for achieving liberation. It involves adherence to moral principles, fostering insights through scripture, and promoting a mindset aligned with dharma. This belief is essential for spiritual progress, exemplified by figures such as King Shrenika and Citragati, who embody these ideals despite challenges. Right-belief serves as a foundation for purity of soul and guides individuals towards ethical living and eventual liberation from the cycle of rebirth.

Synonyms: True belief, Orthodoxy, Doctrine, Faith, Conviction

In Dutch: Juist geloof; In German: Richtiger Glaube; In Finnish: Oikea usko; In Spanish: Creencia correcta

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Right-belief'

Hindu concept of 'Right-belief'

Jain concept of 'Right-belief'

The concept of Right-belief in local and regional sources

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