Significance of Right-belief
Right-belief, or samyaktva, is a fundamental concept in Jainism that signifies the correct understanding and acceptance of spiritual truths necessary for achieving liberation. It involves adherence to moral principles, fostering insights through scripture, and promoting a mindset aligned with dharma. This belief is essential for spiritual progress, exemplified by figures such as King Shrenika and Citragati, who embody these ideals despite challenges. Right-belief serves as a foundation for purity of soul and guides individuals towards ethical living and eventual liberation from the cycle of rebirth.
Synonyms: True belief, Orthodoxy, Doctrine, Faith, Conviction
In Dutch: Juist geloof; In German: Richtiger Glaube; In Finnish: Oikea usko; In Spanish: Creencia correcta
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Buddhist concept of 'Right-belief'
Right-belief in Buddhism embodies a comprehensive understanding of Buddha's teachings, influencing ethical living, kamma perceptions, and right intention. It's foundational to the path to enlightenment and crucial for a favorable rebirth.
From: Abhidhamma in Daily Life (by Ashin Janakabhivamsa)
(1) A correct understanding regarding the influences of kamma on one's life.[1] (2) One of the benefits of dhammasavana, referring to a correct understanding or faith developed through listening to or reading the Dhamma.[2]
From: Maha Buddhavamsa—The Great Chronicle of Buddhas
(1) A fundamental aspect of a follower's faith which reflects an understanding of Buddha's teachings and principles.[3]
From: A Discourse on Paticcasamuppada
(1) An understanding that supports right intention and is interconnected with other associative dhamma on the path to enlightenment.[4]
From: Mahavamsa
(1) The correct faith that was supported by the king after settling the dispute with the bhikkhus.[5]
From: Mahavastu (great story)
(1) Beliefs that align with ethical and virtuous living, leading to favorable rebirths.[6]
From: The gods of northern Buddhism
(1) The first of the eight parts of the path leading to Nirvana, representing correct understanding and views in Buddhism.[7]
Hindu concept of 'Right-belief'
Right-belief in Hinduism, akin to its significance in Jainism, is viewed as a fundamental aspect that aids in attaining salvation, highlighting the importance of faith and understanding in spiritual advancement.
From: Sivaprakasam (Study in Bondage and Liberation)
(1) An essential component of Jainism that contributes to achieving salvation.[8]
Jain concept of 'Right-belief'
Right-belief in Jainism, or samyaktva, signifies the correct understanding of truth and moral integrity, guiding individuals towards spiritual awakening, liberation, and adherence to dharma, ultimately contributing to spiritual growth and enlightenment.
From: Trishashti Shalaka Purusha Caritra
(1) The adherence to true principles and values, especially in a spiritual context.[9] (2) An accurate understanding of truth as taught in Jainism, leading to spiritual results.[10] (3) The twelve vows observed by Pratinandin and others after listening to Rama's sermon.[11] (4) A state of understanding and conviction that aligns with spiritual truths, crucial for achieving divine recognition.[12] (5) A belief system or conviction that aligns with spiritual truths and principles, necessary for progress on the spiritual path.[13]
From: Tattvartha Sutra (with commentary)
(1) Known as samyaktva, this refers to the proper understanding and beliefs that enable a soul to navigate the cycle of rebirth correctly, contributing to its path towards liberation.[14] (2) Referred to as samyaktva, it denotes a correct understanding and acceptance of reality that emerges through the destruction of obstructive karmas.[15] (3) A foundational belief that is crucial for spiritual progress and is needed for attaining samyaktva.[16] (4) The correct understanding and conviction in the true nature of substances and phenomena, which aids in attaining accurate knowledge.[17] (5) Right belief (samyaktva) is the foundational understanding that causes the influx of life-karma leading to celestial-birth (deva).[18]
From: Uttaradhyayana Sutra
(1) An essential component of conduct, grounded in truth and knowledge, necessary for spiritual progression.[19]
The concept of Right-belief in local and regional sources
Right-belief encompasses the understanding of four key principles, notably the acknowledgment of universal suffering and the methods to alleviate its causes, forming a foundational aspect of a broader philosophical or spiritual framework.
From: Triveni Journal
(1) The recognition of four fundamental principles, including the existence of universal suffering and the means to remove the cause of suffering.[20]