Significance of Resplendent

In the context of Purana, "resplendent" has multiple interpretations. It describes the restored beauty of two maidens after their healing, showcasing their revitalized appearance. Additionally, it signifies the divine beauty and glowing quality of Jejovati, emphasizing her radiant nature. Furthermore, "resplendent" embodies a state of brightness and glory often associated with spiritual enlightenment, highlighting its significance in both physical and spiritual realms.1
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Synonyms: Radiant, Brilliant, Splendid, Luminous, Glorious, Illustrious, Effulgent

In Dutch: Schitterend; In German: Strahlend; In Finnish: Häikäisevä; In Spanish: Resplandeciente

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Resplendent'

Hindu concept of 'Resplendent'

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