Significance of Research methodology

Research methodology is a systematic plan outlining methods and procedures for conducting research across various fields, including Yoga, Vedanta, Shaivism, and Science. It involves structured approaches such as literature reviews, descriptive and analytical methods, and data collection and analysis strategies. Research methodology emphasizes a disciplined framework essential for validating findings, particularly in Ayurveda, and it incorporates techniques for effectively addressing research questions. This comprehensive understanding allows researchers to systematically solve problems and enhance the credibility of their studies.

Synonyms: Scientific method, Research design, Experimental methodology, Research approach, Research techniques, Research strategies, Investigative procedures, Investigative methods.

In Dutch: Onderzoeksmethodologie; In German: Forschungsmethodik; In Finnish: Tutkimusmetodologia; In Spanish: Metodología de investigación

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Hindu concept of 'Research methodology'

The concept of Research methodology in local and regional sources

The concept of Research methodology in scientific sources

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