Significance of Research methodology
Research methodology is a systematic plan outlining methods and procedures for conducting research across various fields, including Yoga, Vedanta, Shaivism, and Science. It involves structured approaches such as literature reviews, descriptive and analytical methods, and data collection and analysis strategies. Research methodology emphasizes a disciplined framework essential for validating findings, particularly in Ayurveda, and it incorporates techniques for effectively addressing research questions. This comprehensive understanding allows researchers to systematically solve problems and enhance the credibility of their studies.
Synonyms: Scientific method, Research design, Experimental methodology, Research approach, Research techniques, Research strategies, Investigative procedures, Investigative methods.
In Dutch: Onderzoeksmethodologie; In German: Forschungsmethodik; In Finnish: Tutkimusmetodologia; In Spanish: Metodología de investigación
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Research methodology'
Research methodology in Hinduism encompasses systematic approaches, including descriptive, comparative, and analytical methods, to study philosophies, ensure scientific rigor, and analyze ancient and modern interpretations of the Patanjala Yogasutras through literature review.
From: Sivaprakasam (Study in Bondage and Liberation)
(1) The systematic approach employed in this study, involving descriptive, comparative, and analytical methods to understand the nuances of the discussed philosophies.[1]
From: Yoga-sutras (Ancient and Modern Interpretations)
(1) The structured approach taken in this thesis to review ancient and modern interpretations of the Patanjala Yogasutras through literature survey.[2]
From: Prashna Upanishad with Shankara’s Commentary
(1) The structured approach used to conduct research in a scientific manner.[3]
The concept of Research methodology in local and regional sources
Research methodology involves structured and systematic approaches to investigating the persona of Lord Jhulelal and analyzing Tibetan myth, religion, and history, ultimately providing frameworks for addressing research problems effectively.
From: Lord Jhulelal: An Analytical Study
(1) The structured approach utilized to carry out the research pertaining to the persona of Lord Jhulelal.[4] (2) Research methodology may be defined as a way to systematically solve the research problem.[5]
From: Tibet (Myth, Religion and History)
(1) The systematic approach used in this study to analyze primary and secondary sources regarding Tibetan myth, religion, and history.[6]
From: Self-Knowledge in Krishnamurti’s Philosophy
(1) The systematic approaches and techniques used to conduct the research, outlined at the end of the Introduction chapter.[7]
The concept of Research methodology in scientific sources
Research methodology encompasses the systematic approaches for conducting studies, selecting participants, collecting data, and evaluating articles. It emphasizes structured processes for investigating specific topics like Gridhrasi and Dhattura, while also noting the challenges in traditional medicine contexts.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) The methods employed in the comparative literary study of preventive and curative aspects of medical practice as mentioned in the text.[8] (2) The system of methods used in a particular study to ensure valid and reliable results.[9] (3) Framework used to determine the appropriate research strategy and methods for regulatory issues regarding medical devices.[10] (4) The structured approach to conducting research, emphasizing clarity and appropriateness in methods used for inquiry.[11] (5) The systematic plan employed in the study to analyze variables, participant selection, and procedures related to caffeine's cognitive effects.[12]
From: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
(1) The application of Anubandha Chatushtaya principles in structuring research studies or articles.[13] (2) The systematic process of investigating and analyzing various aspects of Ayurvedic science to gather knowledge and derive conclusions.[14] (3) The systematic approach employed to conduct research in the field of Ayurveda, focusing on the latest trends and practices.[15] (4) The systematic approach and techniques used in conducting research within the field of Ayurveda.[16] (5) The experimental clinical design used in the study to evaluate the effects of Ayurvedic formulations on IUGR patients.[17]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
(1) A systematic approach for conducting research, encompassing various principles and frameworks to guide the process from conception of the research idea through to data collection, analysis, and publication.[18] (2) The systematic approach and techniques employed in conducting research, essential for valid and credible results.[19] (3) The systematic approach used to conduct studies in Ayurveda, which needs to adapt to its unique characteristics and practices.[20] (4) The systematic plan for conducting research, including designs, strategies, and techniques specific to AYUSH studies.[21] (5) The systematic approach used to conduct research, encompassing the techniques and principles guiding research activities.[22]
From: AYU (Journal of Research in Ayurveda)
(1) The systematic approach and techniques used to conduct research and gather data.[23] (2) A structured approach to research that is necessary for the classification and organization of knowledge.[24] (3) The systematic process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to address a research question.[25] (4) The systematic approach used in conducting research, including the design, data collection, and analysis specific to Ayurveda studies.[26] (5) Training programs on research methodology are needed to enhance the skills of Ayurveda professionals.[27]
From: Ancient Science of Life
(1) The systematic approach proposed for developing new concepts of human beings and healthcare that includes hypothesis formulation, development of assessment tools, and experimental verification.[28] (2) The methods used to study the anatomy of the vessels, including tissue collection, maceration, staining, and observation.[29] (3) The methodical approach utilized in conducting ethnomedical surveys and studies.[30] (4) The specific techniques and strategies used in conducting research that affect the outcomes and credibility of Ayurvedic studies.[31] (5) A systematic process used to conduct research, focusing on how to design, collect, analyze, and interpret data in the context of Ayurveda.[32]
From: The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences
(1) The systematic approach applied in a study, which includes the design, data collection, and analysis methods used to gather and interpret data.[33] (2) The structured approach students learn to design and implement research, including data collection and analysis.[34] (3) The approach and techniques used to conduct the study, including the modified Delphi method.[35] (4) Research methodology refers to the systematic approach used in the study to collect data through phone interviews, ensuring participant selection from confirmed dengue patients admitted to the hospital over two years.[36]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
(1) The systematic approach adopted for conducting the study, including participant selection, data collection via questionnaires, and ethical considerations.[37] (2) The structured approach used in evaluating articles regarding Gridhrasi, encompassing the retrieval and screening of studies from various databases.[38] (3) The systematic process used to collect and analyze information in order to investigate the preparations of Dhattura.[39]
From: Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology
(1) The strategy or plan of action employed to conduct research, emphasizing the approach to data collection and analysis.[40] (2) The structured approach planned to be covered in workshops for academicians to enhance research skills.[41]