Significance of Remarked
In Vaishnavism, the term "Remarked" refers to commenting or observing, particularly about the grandeur of marriages. Historically in India, it pertains to expressing thoughts on various situations, including events taking place in temples. Both contexts emphasize the act of making observations, highlighting cultural and religious significance in different scenarios.
Synonyms: Pointed out, Said, Declared
In Finnish: Huomautti; In Dutch: Opgemerkt
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Remarked'
In Hinduism, "Remarked" signifies the act of commenting on and observing the lavishness of marriages, illustrating the cultural significance and values associated with matrimonial ceremonies in the tradition.
From: Chaitanya Bhagavata
(1) The act of the brahmana speaking out to express his commendation regarding Vishvarupa's parents.[1] (2) The act of commenting or stating an observation about something, in this case, the opulence of marriages.[2]
The concept of Remarked in local and regional sources
Remarked involves commenting or observing a situation, specifically regarding events in the temple, highlighting the importance of discourse and reflection on contextual occurrences.
From: Bhaktavijaya: Stories of Indian Saints
(1) To express a comment or observation concerning a situation, in this case related to the events occurring in the temple.[3]