Significance of Religious belief

The text explores the concept of religious belief across various cultural, historical, and philosophical contexts, particularly within ancient Indian traditions. It highlights how these beliefs encompass personal convictions, collective traditions, and systems of faith that influence worship and societal norms. Different religious frameworks such as Vaishnavism, Shaivism, and others are examined in relation to their spiritual practices and ideologies. Ultimately, religious belief is portrayed as a complex interplay of individual and communal convictions impacting cultural and social dynamics throughout history.

Synonyms: Faith, Spirituality, Doctrine, Conviction, Religion, Belief system, Worship, Devotion, Piety, Religiosity

In Dutch: Religieuze overtuiging; In German: Religiöser Glaube; In Finnish: Uskonnollinen usko; In Spanish: Creencia religiosa

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Religious belief'

The concept of Religious belief in local and regional sources

The concept of Religious belief in scientific sources

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