Significance of Regent
Synonyms: Ruler, Governor, Viceroy, Overseer, Leader
In Dutch: Regentes; In Finnish: Valtionhoitaja
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Buddhist concept of 'Regent'
In Buddhism, a Regent symbolizes a pivotal teacher from the five families, guiding students through Buddhist philosophy and practices, serving as a crucial figure along their spiritual journey.
From: The Great Chariot
(1) Regents are the teachers in Buddhist philosophy who act as principal figures of the five families, guiding students on the path.[1]
Hindu concept of 'Regent'
In Hinduism, "Regent" signifies Rama's future role as ruler, someone administering in the sovereign's absence, and authority granted to Yayati's sons, with Bharata's potential role as regent during Rama's coronation.
From: Ramayana of Valmiki
(1) A term referring to the role Rama will take as the ruler of the kingdom following his coronation.[2] (2) An individual appointed to administer a state because the ruler is absent or incapacitated, in this case, Rama.[3] (3) A regent is a person appointed to administer the affairs of state during the absence of the sovereign, in this case, Bharata being considered for this role.[4] (4) A term referring to Rama being proclaimed as the ruler in the absence of his brother Bharata.[5]
From: Vishnu Purana (Taylor)
(1) The authority given to Yayati's sons—Turvasu, Druhyu, Yadu, and Anu—over different regions.[6]