Significance of Regent

Regent in Buddhism refers to the teachers guiding students through the five families of Buddhist philosophy. In the context of Purana, the term has multiple meanings. It denotes Rama's future role as ruler after his coronation, as well as a person appointed to manage state affairs during the ruler's absence, such as Bharata in this case. Additionally, it refers to Yayati's sons having authority over various regions, and emphasizes Rama being recognized as the ruler in Bharata's absence.1
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Synonyms: Ruler, Governor, Viceroy, Overseer, Leader

In Dutch: Regentes; In Finnish: Valtionhoitaja

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Regent'

Hindu concept of 'Regent'

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