Significance of Referral to dentist
Referral to dentist is the process wherein healthcare providers, including gynecologists, obstetricians, and nurses, direct pregnant women to seek dental care. This practice aims to ensure that women receive necessary oral health examinations and specialized treatment. A recent survey assessed this practice, highlighting its role in promoting dental care among pregnant patients, ultimately leading to better health outcomes for both mothers and their babies.
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The concept of Referral to dentist in scientific sources
Referral to dentist entails healthcare providers, like gynecologists and nurses, guiding pregnant women to dental care for oral health examinations and treatment, ensuring specialized dental attention through a structured referral process.
From: Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology
(1) The practice of advising patients to see a dentist for specialized dental care, which was assessed in the survey.[1] (2) The process by which a healthcare provider, such as a gynecologist or obstetrician, directs a pregnant woman to seek dental care.[2]
From: The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences
(1) The process in which nurses direct pregnant women to dental care providers to receive oral health examinations and treatment.[3]