Significance of Recklessness

According to Dharmashastra, recklessness is defined as acting without consideration for the consequences of one's actions. This suggests that individuals who act recklessly fail to weigh the potential outcomes or impacts of their decisions, leading to irresponsible behavior. The concept emphasizes the importance of mindfulness and accountability in one’s actions, highlighting how neglecting these principles can result in negative repercussions. Thus, understanding this definition is crucial for promoting responsible conduct in various aspects of life.

Synonyms: Carelessness, Rashness, Audacity, Temerity, Heedlessness, Thoughtlessness

In Finnish: Huolimattomuus; In Dutch: Roekeloosheid

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Recklessness'

Hindu concept of 'Recklessness'

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