Significance of Realm of creation
The Realm of creation, as outlined in Purana and Vedanta, describes a state of existence that encompasses all created beings within the universe. In this realm, as revealed in Markandeya's vision, all entities lack true independent existence. Vedanta further emphasizes that this domain contains all perceived forms and objects, which are ultimately considered unreal. This philosophical view highlights the illusory nature of the material world and the interconnectedness of existence within the realm of creation.
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Hindu concept of 'Realm of creation'
In Hinduism, the Realm of Creation symbolizes a domain of perceived forms and objects lacking true independent existence, illustrating a universe where all beings exist within an ultimately unreal state, as depicted in Markandeya's vision.
From: Mandukya Upanishad
(1) The domain or world that encompasses all perceived forms and objects, which is ultimately deemed unreal according to the text.[1] (2) Within the realm of Creation there is nothing that has, of its own, true independent (dual) existence.[2]
From: Skanda Purana
(1) The state of existence where all created beings are housed and move within the confines of the universe, as shown in Markandeya’s vision.[3]