Significance of Realized self
In Shaivism, the concept of a Realized self signifies the state attained by wise beings who grasp their true essence. This realization is marked by profound peace, deep knowledge, and a sense of omnipresence. Individuals who achieve this state exhibit a profound understanding of their identity and existence, transcending ordinary experiences and connecting with a greater universal reality. This highlights the spiritual depth and transformative nature of self-realization within the framework of Shaivism.
Synonyms: Self-actualization, Self-awareness, Self-discovery, Personal growth, Self-realization, Enlightenment, Self-recognition, Enlightened, Self-aware, Awakened
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Realized self'
In Hinduism, the Realized self signifies the enlightened state attained by wise beings who grasp their true essence, embodying qualities such as peace, profound knowledge, and a sense of omnipresence.
From: Shaiva Upanishads (A Critical Study)
(1) The state achieved by wise beings who understand their true essence, characterized by peace, knowledge, and omnipresence.[1]
From: Chaitanya Bhagavata
(1) The state of having understood one's true identity or essence beyond the physical or material existence.[2]