Significance of Reality

Reality in various philosophical and spiritual traditions encompasses a profound understanding of existence. In Tibetan Buddhism, it signifies a vital connection to truth and the state of things as they truly exist. Vaishnavism and other traditions, such as Purana and Vedanta, emphasize the source of the universe and the essence of existence beyond illusion. Additionally, terms like reality in Vyakarana and the perspectives of Mahayana and Theravada underline the importance of recognizing ultimate truths over perceived realities, portraying reality as a fundamental spiritual concept across different beliefs.1
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Synonyms: Truth, Actuality, Existence, Tangible, Real life, Authenticity, Veracity

In Dutch: Realiteit; In German: Wirklichkeit; In Finnish: Todellisuus; In Spanish: Realidad

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Reality'

Hindu concept of 'Reality'

The concept of Reality in local and regional sources

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