Significance of Pure existence

Pure existence is a concept across various philosophical traditions, including Tibetan Buddhism, Purana, Vedanta, and Mahayana. In Tibetan Buddhism, it signifies an ideal state of entities' existence. The Purana describes it as the highest reality inherent in the Supreme Being, while Vedanta views it as the ultimate reality, Brahman, beyond illusions, and the goal of yoga. Mahayana associates Pure existence with vishuddha, implying clarity and an untainted nature of existence. Each perspective contributes to a multifaceted understanding of Pure existence.

Synonyms: Absolute being, Unconditional existence, Sheer presence, Being, Essence, Presence, Actuality, Reality

In Dutch: Puur bestaan; In Finnish: Puhdasta olemassaoloa; In Spanish: Existencia pura

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Pure existence'

Hindu concept of 'Pure existence'

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