Significance of Public administration
Public administration in the context of ancient India encompasses the organization and management of government policies and services, primarily in a monarchical framework. It includes the implementation of government policies to serve the community's welfare, as documented by historical figures like Krishna Deva Raya and Rajaji. Venkatarangaiya also significantly contributed to the field, focusing on governance and public policy. The role of public administration involved managing public affairs at different government levels, reflecting structured leadership within cities.
Synonyms: Government administration, Civil service, Bureaucratic administration
In Dutch: Openbaar bestuur; In German: Öffentliche Verwaltung; In Finnish: Julkinen hallinto; In Spanish: Administración pública
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Public administration'
In Hinduism, public administration historically involved the organization and management of public policies and services within a monarchical system, reflecting principles of governance and social order established in ancient Indian society.
From: Harshacharita (socio-cultural Study)
(1) Public administration in the context of ancient India describes the organization and management of public policies and services, primarily under a monarchical system.[1]
The concept of Public administration in local and regional sources
Public administration encompasses the implementation of government policy, management of public affairs, and governance practices, as exemplified by historical figures like Krishna Deva Raya and Venkatarangaiya, emphasizing effective service delivery and community welfare.
From: Triveni Journal
(1) The implementation of government policy and the management of public affairs.[2] (2) The management of public policies and government functions, which Rajaji monitored for weaknesses.[3] (3) The implementation and management of government policies and services intended for the welfare of the community.[4] (4) One of the fields in which Venkatarangaiya contributed significantly, focusing on governance and public policy.[5] (5) The implementation of government policy and the management of public affairs at various levels of government.[6]
From: Lord Jhulelal: An Analytical Study
(1) The governance and management of public affairs, reflected in the existence of offices designated for city leadership.[7]
The concept of Public administration in scientific sources
The keyphrase "Public administration" in this context highlights the significant roles women played in managing and overseeing healthcare during the early Islamic period, emphasizing their contributions to governance and organizational practices in public health.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) Public administration in this context refers to the management and oversight roles held by women in the healthcare sector during the early Islamic period.[8]