Significance of Psychological Issues
Psychological Issues encompass a variety of mental and emotional challenges, including those arising from waste accumulation linked to desires and consumerism. Additionally, they include conditions that may benefit from therapeutic practices like Dhoopakalpana, pain-related ailments, and factors contributing to allergic rhinitis. Psychological Issues also address mental health conditions that can improve with brain tonics, and emotional struggles such as stress and anxiety, which can affect sexual performance and arousal. These issues often require therapeutic intervention for effective treatment.
Synonyms: Mental health problems, Psychological challenges, Emotional disorders, Psychiatric problems, Cognitive issues
In Finnish: Psykologinen ongelma; In Spanish: Problema psicológico
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
The concept of Psychological Issues in local and regional sources
Psychological Issues encompass mental and emotional challenges linked to waste accumulation, driven by desires for status, possession, and consumerism, reflecting how consumer behaviors can impact mental well-being and societal values regarding materialism.
From: Triveni Journal
(1) Mental and emotional challenges related to waste accumulation, including desires for status, possession, and consumerism.[1]
The concept of Psychological Issues in scientific sources
Psychological Issues encompass emotional or mental health conditions like stress and anxiety, significantly impacting erectile dysfunction by hindering sexual arousal. Additionally, they may improve with Dhoopakalpana alongside physical ailments related to pain.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) Mental health challenges arising from trauma or stress, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, which can exacerbate the symptoms of long COVID.[2] (2) Emotional and mental health problems such as isolation, anxiety, and stigma that may influence the course and management of diseases like Tuberculosis.[3] (3) Mental health conditions that can be alleviated through the use of brain tonics.[4] (4) Factors identified as predisposing elements for allergic rhinitis, suggesting a multifactorial etiology.[5] (5) A range of conditions that affect mental functioning, often requiring therapeutic intervention for treatment.[6]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
(1) Conditions that may benefit from Dhoopakalpana in addition to physical ailments associated with pain.[7] (2) Emotional or mental health conditions such as stress and anxiety that can contribute to erectile dysfunction by affecting sexual arousal and performance.[8]