Significance of Protective action

Protective action in Vaishnavism encompasses activities aimed at ensuring a child's safety, highlighting a speaker's struggles to shield a vulnerable boy from harm. In scientific contexts, protective action refers to the capacity of various substances to guard cells from damage, as seen with Ksheerakalyanaka Ghrita in seizure protection and A. indica extract for stabilizing cell membranes. Further, herbal extracts, like Shirisha bark and Prishniparni, exhibit beneficial effects against toxic impacts and harmful microbes, illustrating the broad significance of protective actions in health.

Synonyms: Preventive measure, Defensive strategy

In Dutch: Beschermende actie; In Finnish: Suojaava toiminta; In Spanish: Acción protectora

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Protective action'

The concept of Protective action in scientific sources

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