Significance of Proper discipline

Proper discipline is a multifaceted concept that varies across different contexts. In Arthashastra, it emphasizes training and education for princes to learn governance and righteousness. Theravada highlights adherence to moral guidelines essential for personal development and correct behavior within monastic contexts. Science focuses on maintaining ethical standards and professional conduct within organizations. Each perspective underscores the importance of discipline in cultivating responsible and accountable individuals in various spheres of life.

Synonyms: Appropriate conduct, Proper behavior, Good conduct, Self-control, Self-discipline

In Dutch: Juiste discipline; In German: Richtige Disziplin; In Finnish: Oikea kurinalaisuus; In Spanish: Disciplina adecuada

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Proper discipline'

Hindu concept of 'Proper discipline'

The concept of Proper discipline in scientific sources

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