Significance of Professional ethics

Professional ethics encompasses the code of conduct guiding physicians and individuals in various professions, emphasizing compassion, moral standards, and service. Ayurveda highlights the importance of treating patients with respect, regardless of their social status. Historical context in India also underscores moral principles that govern professional behaviors. Additionally, in scientific disciplines, professional ethics focuses on responsibilities within the medical field, particularly regarding interactions with the industry, reinforcing the necessity for integrity and ethical conduct across all professional settings.

Synonyms: Corporate ethics, Professional conduct, Code of conduct, Professional integrity, Moral code

In Dutch: Professionele ethiek; In German: Berufsethik; In Finnish: Ammattietiikka; In Spanish: Ética profesional

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Professional ethics'

The concept of Professional ethics in local and regional sources

The concept of Professional ethics in scientific sources

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