Significance of Probing pocket depth
Probing pocket depth (PPD) is a crucial clinical measurement used in dentistry to assess the depth of periodontal pockets around teeth, which helps evaluate the severity of periodontal disease. This measurement indicates the distance from the free gingival margin to the base of the pocket, serving as an important parameter for diagnosing and monitoring periodontal health. The depth of these pockets provides insights into the health of periodontal tissues and is vital in guiding treatment strategies for periodontal conditions.
Synonyms: Periodontal probing, Periodontal assessment
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The concept of Probing pocket depth in scientific sources
Probing pocket depth is a dental measurement using a periodontal probe to evaluate the depth of gum pockets, which helps determine periodontal disease severity and the overall health of periodontal tissue.
From: Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology
(1) A clinical measurement used to assess the depth of gum pockets around teeth as an indicator of periodontal health.[1] (2) A clinical measurement that assesses the depth of the gum pocket around a tooth, indicating the severity of periodontal disease.[2] (3) PPD is a clinical measurement of the depth of the gum pocket surrounding a tooth, used to assess the health of the periodontal tissue.[3] (4) A clinical parameter measured during periodontal examinations to assess the health of periodontal tissues and the extent of pocket formation.[4] (5) A measurement that assesses the depth of periodontal pockets around teeth, indicating the health of the gums.[5]
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) A clinical measurement used to assess the severity of periodontal disease by measuring the distance from the gum to the bottom of the periodontal pocket.[6] (2) A clinical measurement used to assess the depth of periodontal pockets, which is critical for diagnosing and monitoring periodontal disease.[7] (3) A clinical measurement of the depth of the gum pockets around teeth, aiding in periodontal disease assessment.[8] (4) A clinical measure reflecting the depth of the gum pockets surrounding teeth, which is crucial in evaluating the severity of periodontal disease.[9] (5) A measurement of the depth of the periodontal pockets that helps evaluate the extent of periodontal disease.[10]
From: AYU (Journal of Research in Ayurveda)
(1) A measurement taken using a periodontal probe to assess the depth of gum pockets around teeth, which is indicative of periodontal disease severity.[11] (2) A measurement used in dentistry to assess the depth of the gum pockets around the teeth, indicating the health of the periodontal tissue and the presence of gum disease.[12]